Yalla! Squeeze a dime sized amount of scrub onto your fingertips and massage onto damp skin. Spread in small circular motions, applying gentle pressure to wake your skin’s natural circulation and khalas! When you’re done, rinse and pat dry with a clean towel.
St.Ives Scrubs with 100% Natural Exfoliants #NatureInMe
Multi-Scrubbing with Blogger Rawan Al Sadi & St.Ives
Refresh skin all over with sweet-smelling suds made with 100% natural exfoliants and extracts. Feel oh-so-fresh from head to toe!CHECK IT OUT
Skin-smoothing lotions packed with 100% natural moisturizers (like soybean oil and plant based glycerin) soothes, smooths, and lets your skin live its softest life. CHECK IT OUT